The morning started early. It was one of those early mornings that I've forgotten because it was too long ago. I think I watched a whole heap of art videos on Youtube. I was hoping that I'd done French but when I checked in with Duolingo in the evening, I hadn't. So I just finished the day with a pretty smooth French practice. Now, back to talking about my day.

Once hubby jumped off to work, I jumped into a workout. Working out when it's humid isn't my favourite thing. I still did it.

So I haven't really done much 'lettering' in my art-ing yet. I'd watched a Youtube video on blending with sharpies and was inspired to try something of my own. I went with the word; Paris.

I then spent hours working on lettering for a Christmas card. I think I've got a design I like but I haven't finished it yet. I also doodled!!!!!! I never really know where to start with doodling so I feel pretty proud.

I also popped over to Art for Kids Hub for one last Christmas inspired cartoon. I chose 'How to Draw Kissing Mistletoe'. Hubby is going to try doing one of the videos with me soon. It's nice having people to art with.

It doesn't really sound like a busy day but I was doing things constantly. These are the sorts of days I want more of in 2020. I've been thinking a lot about the ways to get organised for a much more productive year. That will start with a productive week of organising after Christmas.

Tomorrow is Christmas day. Hubby's family live about 12 hours away from us, so we can't see them. My only family is hubby and wifey. So, hubby and I are planning on a day of yummy food and relaxing. I'll do some art-ing and he'll ….. do whatever it is he does.

I hope you have a magical Christmas eve. Enjoy your Christmas festivities and stay safe.


Hubby had to work today and it was a long day for him. When he left for work, I thought about working out but seeing it's not an official workout day, I let it slide. Instead I grabbed a shower, had a face full of French and then went to Art for Kids Hub to start my art-ing day.

I tried 'How to Draw a Christmas Train'. I used sharpies (and I can still smell them hours later) and mostly like how it turned out. I should have kidnapped one of wifey's sharpies for the present loaded train car. I didn't have the right colour. And yes, I have now kidnapped said sharpies for future use. (You can have them back when you come home, Wifey!)

Then I wanted to do another human sketch. I know the pose that I want to try but I'm having trouble creating it off the top of my head. So I spent an hour trying to find a reference to use but no luck.

Then I got distracted.

I hope you're having a marvellous week filled with holiday festivities, family, friends and fun. Stay safe.


I haven't been sleeping well. It took me forever to fall asleep and then I woke around 5 am. I was determined to get back to sleep and laid there for what felt like an hour before dozing off again. Then I woke just after 7 am. Needless to say, I spent the day tired.

Hubby had to leave for work early and that meant I got to working out early. It felt good while I was doing it but it made me feel pretty worn out.

Then I went searching for art-spiration. Where, oh where, is my art-spiration? I thought that I would find working out the hardest thing to do in Summer, apparently it's art. I watched countless 'How to' videos on Youtube, I had wifey try and nudge me into some sort of creativity (to which I dug in my 'I CAN'T' heels) and eventually I went to find the easiest drawing on Art for Kids Hub.

I chose 'How to Draw a Christmas Cat Wearing a Sweater.' I used Sharpies for the outline, scarf and sweater and a Tombow pen for the cat. I really enjoyed using the sharpies and then tried to find some other 'Sharpie' tutorials to follow. I didn't really find anything I wanted to try.

So the end of the year is coming around pretty quick, as is Christmas, and I've decided to give myself something special this year…. I'm giving myself a break. I don't mean I'm going to stop doing things, I'm just going to stop being so hard on myself. Whatever I get done IS enough. However I'm feeling IS okay.

I finished the day with a glorious nap. Just between you and me, it was seriously glorious! Oh, also some French. There was a mouthful of French. Oui!

If no one has told you today, you're an inspirational person with a fantastic smile.


I woke up just after 6 am and figured I'd get up. The morning was a bit of a blur. I think I watched Youtube videos. Let's just say I didn't do a thing until hubby left for work. Then it was time to workout. I got straight to it and worked out hard. I was a little slower than normal but I am sure I worked muscles I didn't even know existed. Ow!

Then it was time to start art-ing. I had sketched an eye a couple of days ago but finally got round to colouring it. I didn't use a reference for the eye, I just wanted to see what I could come up with.

After I was done with the eye, I still wanted to try another Art for Kids Hub video. I chose How To Draw A Christmas Palm Tree. This felt much closer to a Christmas down under.

Then I started work on a watercolour sketch. I got about 75% of it done then I was all art-ed out. I'll finish it sometime during the week.

I then worked on French. I didn't start new words today but had a really great practice run. I really need to get back to doing French first thing in the morning. I seemed to pick up so much more and I think I even pay closer attention.

Duolingo emailed me an update of my French learning in 2019. I have used Duolingo for 166 days and have completed 1,499 lessons. I have spent over 100 hours learning 5,247 words.

I can't believe I've learned that many words. When I think about the words I know I can barely get to 30. I'm thinking that might be what Duolingo thinks I should have learned. It'd be very interesting to see a list of those words. Either way, I have been pretty dedicated to this learning and I feel pretty proud of myself.

I finished the day catching up with a friend and some singing. Both were very enjoyable.

I hope your day has been filled with things that make you smile.


I slept in a little bit. Well I should say, I tossed and turned until about 8.30 am, with brief interludes of sleep. It really wouldn't have made much difference if I got up or if I had of kept pretending to be asleep, I didn't do much with the day. Hubby was the hero of the day and did some housework.

I visited Art for Kids Hub so that I could say I did something. I chose How to Draw An Ice Skater. I've really been enjoying these easy cartoon sketches. They're definitely helping build some ideas for the Penguin Project.

I tried to do a little more drawing but I find it very hard to concentrate when hubby is home.

So yesterday I didn't write anything and it felt weird. I knew I couldn't write how I was feeling because I knew it was irrational and I really didn't want anyone to worry.

Yesterday I was doing the normal Sunday WoW thing and once again it was missing something. It was different to the last few weeks, in that, I had a couple of 'new friends' (friends of a friend) join us. That made for some easy dungeons but by the third dungeon, one of the guys kept calling me on all the mistakes I was making. I knew that it was tongue in cheek and he really didn't mean anything by it but it sucked nonetheless.

I was annoyed at myself for letting nothing turn into something and then to let it really affect my mood. Of course that made the whole thing feel worse. The smallest things can sometimes flip the depression switch and a harmless comment can turn into hours of obsessive thinking and days of sadness.

I'm just going to try and stay as distracted as possible this week. I don't know how to deal with my head right now.

I hope the upcoming weeks is filled with happiness, family, good times and creativity.


The day started with lots of pats for Homer dog. I'm sure I enjoy it way more than he does. Followed by a little heated discussion over cricket. Hubby really enjoys sport, especially cricket and AFL. I'm not a fan. So I probably give him a little too much ribbing about how terrible it is and how we shouldn't watch it. It's a wonder he loves me sometimes.

Once hubby had fled to work, I worked out. I was looking forward to it and it was over before I even realised. This is also the last day of the workout week. I held up much better than I did last week.

Then it was time to try my new pencils. I got a pack of Crayola Signature blend and shade coloured pencils. There are 50 colours in the pack and I feel spoiled for choice. I'd watched a video of someone reviewing them and they looked good for blending and you could get some very rich colours from them.

So I head on over to Art for Kids Hub to choose today's inspiration. I went with How to Draw a Winter Princess. Seeing we're not far out from Xmas, I thought I'd try and stick to Christmas themed guides.

Although this doesn't really represent a Christmas down under. There is no snow, no warm jackets and the only rosy cheeks you end up with is from a sunburn. I would love to experience a wintery Christmas. Feel free to share your favourite winter Christmas moments.

After that I thought I'd just try some flowers. I referred to the 12 Easy Flowers sketch I did a few days ago, picked the foxglove and gave it a try. I laid the pencil down quiet soft at first but I really am addicted to intense colour and just kept going…and going…and going. When I finally stopped, I had a rather cute lil sketch but I wasn't overly happy with it. I didn't want such hard lines around the flowers. Definitely looking forward to creating more art with these pencils.

I really wanted to be lazy for the rest of the day so I got French out of the way. Maybe it was because I really wanted to get it over and done with but it was un fantastique practice. Most runs were near perfect. Again, I made silly mistakes like typos. My fingers sometimes move faster than my brain.

I finished the day with a nap. Who doesn't love a good nap?

I hope your day has been fun-filled, creative and relaxing. You're a fantastic person.


Today started just before 6 am. Who needs sleep anyway? While this wasn't an ideal start to the day, I was determined to stay focused anyway. That all fell apart just after hubby left for work.

Homer sat at the window looking slightly agitated. I knew that meant someone was out there. I went to check what was going on and there was a person taking things from our recycling bin. My first thought was they were going to take the bin (it wouldn't surprise me if that happened, seeing this person had just watched hubby driving away.) I banged on the window and gave him the 'what the?!?' hands. This stranger indicated he was just stealing trash like it's no big deal. IT WAS A BIG DEAL.

I then spent the next hour trembling with a mix of fear and anger. I haven't left the house (for years) because I'm scared of people. I just want to have a place I can feel safe and stuff like that doesn't make me feel safe. It makes me feel vulnerable and weak. So while this person went about their day (stealing trash), I got to sit around feeling terrible AND today hubby had his work Xmas party, so I had to be home alone well into the night.

Once I'd finally calmed down enough, I worked out. It was painful. I'm not sure if it was physically painful or mentally painful. It was at that point I knew the day was going to be a wasted day. I decided to do one art and then just try and… chill!

I went to Art for Kids Hub to try and find some light-hearted art. I chose "How to Draw a Funny Meatball Sub."

The only other productive thing I did was French. I found it very hard to focus on what I was doing. Thankfully I had a lot of easier practice runs, so I still got most of them right.

I want to forget today has happened.

I hope your day was filled with smiles, friends, family and love. I'm sorry if you're missing someone right now. I know how much it hurts to not be with the person you want. *HUGS*


The day started almost an hour after alarm time. I have no idea how I managed to sleep through. I guess I needed it. I didn't feel like working out but soon as hubby had left for work, I did it. I was feeling pretty tight on my right side and at first it really hurt to do things. Eventually the workout seemed to stretch out whatever it was.

I'm glad I decided to make Art for Kids Hub my first stop of the creative day. The hardest decision is which of the 100's of videos do I want to try today. I chose how to draw a blue bird.

Next it was time to try colouring my 'sad girl' sketch from yesterday. I had the same problem super quick; the paper got overworked. I definitely need paper that can handle my rough treatment better…. or I should be softer with colouring.

It's been really hard trying to get a photo of these sketches. When I take them somewhere with bright light, you can really see how beat up the paper is. So I've been taking them in a spot with less light and brightening them digitally to try and hide the paper flaws.

I don't remember when I did French but I did it. Who knows if it was a good practice though.

I hope you've had a wonderful day filled with smiles, special friends and success.


Another day started at alarm o'clock. I wasn't feeling that excited about the day and woke up slowly over a cup of coffee. Soon as hubby had disappeared to work, I got to working out. It was the shot of energy I needed to start art-ing.

The first stop was Art for Kids Hub. Today I chose a ski boat.

I started working on a new 'girl' sketch. I think I have the basic shape worked out (but maybe not) and I'll try colouring it tomorrow. I used a reference by LaLunatique from the Sad Valentine set.

There wasn't a lot more to the day. I did some housework and I worked on French.

I hope your day has been filled with happiness and creativity.


Today has been a really relaxed day but I feel like I was missing something. I spent most of the day playing WoW but there was also a little time for art.

I went back to the Youtube channel: Art for Kids Hub. It didn't take long to pick a couple of fun cartoons to try. I tried; How to Draw Baby Yoda and How to Draw a Red Christmas Truck.

And that was my day. I hope you've had an amazing day filled with smiles and creativity.
